buy blue

By anders pearson 14 Dec 2004 lists a bunch of companies and which political parties they contribute to.

it actually crossed my mind a couple weeks ago to build a very similar site. since elections are won by the party with the most money. actual votes don’t seem to matter in comparison. it was going to be a “who you really voted for” calculator. you would enter in estimates of how much money you spent with certain companies over the last month or so and it would weigh those numbers based on the amount and percentage that those companies donated to the parties and tell you who you actually voted for with your purchases. these guys beat me to the general idea, but it might still be worth building the calculator just for fun.

the buyblue site also seems focused on holiday gift purchasing so they miss some of the big ones like tobacco companies.

update: Choose The Blue has a more complete list, but still no calculator.

Tags: politics commercialism