27 Sep 2000
so… Self just released their newest album, recorded entirely with toy instruments and pieces of electronic toys. and it sounds better than any other alterna-rock I’ve heard in the past year.
music sucks. not really, but you know what I mean. any and every song, band, or video that you’ll ever hear without taking the preventive measures of turning off the radio forever or melting MTV with an orbital laser is bound to be bad. any and every song I hear hummed in lab, pumped out of cars, or requested at parties makes me want to reach for the tater tosser.
I’ve liked Self from the get-go, cause they a) make all their own samples and b) turn most bad songs they hear into some absolutely torrid covers that shred the original artists. on the other hand, they do some less exposed music some real service with some pretty creative versions.
yeah it’s kinda poppy, but they’re from tenessee, give ‘em a break.
and yeah, this rant is a cliche, but when a few guys can hit the nail on the head without even touching a gituar or drum set, what kind of excuse do we have for not drowning limp bizkit in public?
24 Sep 2000
okay, okay, so maybe I’m just a little sensitive when the people that are usually out to destroy science start using our tools and technologies for their own purposes.
but really. this?
13 Sep 2000
the stereo I won now says “satan loves you” and then a little fishy comes and erases it as it swims by.
if I’d paid for it, no way it’d be doing something this cool.
02 Aug 2000
this is interesting (tuck – thesis?)…
this from an nfo meant to accompany a ripped dreamcast game:
>Thanks goes out to the Tokyo Yakuza for the elite supply and Hello to >Eurasia.
For those of you that don’t know, the group Utopia is under some serious legal fire for making a boot CD that allows dreamcast owners to play bootleg games on normal CD-Rs. Sega’s own dumb fault for using something as wide open as WinCE for it’s console OS (bet it saves FTP passwords too anders). Curious? Go Here).
The real beef is that Sega claimed they were going full tilt after any and everyone involved with Dreamcast piracy. But Sega Vs. Yakuza… hope they know when to back down. Otherwise Sony may win the console war by lack of competition — Anders may find Yu Suzuki floating by in the East River.
13 Jul 2000
calling all devoted cat owners… check out the guy’s hate mail archive too. he’s got all of france and most of greater europe hating him, just look at this excerpt: “BUT UR @ STUPID TELEPORTING CATS TO NOW THIS STUPID ELEPHANT MAN AND U ARE LIKE I LIKE SHOTING ROCKET LANCHER WAT IS INFLATION? LET ME TELL YOU THAT EVERYONE IN FRANCE NOWS WHAT INFATIONS IS BECAUSE AMERICANS!”
no wonder they sucked in the war.
now where’d my kitties go…